

Riċerka importanti tad-Dipartiment tal-Malti ssir mill-istudenti u t-tuturi tat-teżijiet tagħhom, tal-BA (Unuri), tal-MA u tad-Dottorat. Din it-taqsima fiha listi bit-teżijiet li saru fl-oqsma tal-Letteratura u tal-Lingwistika Maltija mill-1940 lil hawn. Ħajr lil Dr George Farrugia, lil Reno Fenech u lil Thomas Pace li jżommu l-listi aġġornati.


Important research in the Department of Maltese is carried out by the students and the tutors supervising their theses in B.A. (Hons.), M.A., and PhD. This section includes lists of theses that have been completed in Maltese Literature and Linguistics since 1940 up to the current day. Thanks to Dr George Farrugia, Reno Fenech and Thomas Pace, who keep the lists updated.