1961 |
Maltese Metereological and Agriculture Proverbs
Aquilina, Joseph |
1 |
1-80 |
Kultura |
1961 |
The Structure of Maltese
Aquilina, Joseph |
1 |
139-141 |
Reċensjoni |
1961 |
A Maltese Anthology
Beck, Richard, J. |
1 |
142-146 |
Reċensjoni |
1961 |
Linguistic Analysis of Fr Magri’s Folk-tales
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph |
1 |
81-116 |
Folklor |
1961 |
The Classification of the Maltese Verb
Cremona, A. |
1 |
117-129 |
Lingwistika |
1961 |
Are there any Traces of Punic in Maltese?
Grech, P. |
1 |
130-138 |
Lingwistika |
1961 |
On the Need for a Lectureship in Arabic in Our University
Aquilina, Joseph |
1 |
i-iv |
Editorjal |
1964 |
A Comparative Study in Lexical Material Relating to Nicknames and Surnames
Aquilina, Joseph |
2 |
147-176 |
Lingwistika |
1964 |
Terminologia Geografica Araba in Sicilia’
Aquilina, Joseph |
2 |
246-251 |
Reċensjoni |
1964 |
Vocabolario Siciliano
Aquilina, Joseph |
2 |
252 |
Reċensjoni |
1964 |
Cultural Cross-Currents in Maltese Idioms
Cachia, P. |
2 |
226-237 |
Lingwistika |
1964 |
Voci e Termini Maltesi Usati dai Calzolai
Cassar Pullicino, Ġużè |
2 |
238-245 |
Lingwistika |
1964 |
An Early Maltese Word-List
Cowan, William |
2 |
217-225 |
Lingwistika |
1964 |
La Marina Maltese del Medio Evo all’ Epoca Moderna Storia e Terminologia Marittima
Cremona, A. |
2 |
177-204 |
Lingwistika |
1964 |
Ir-Rubajjat ta’ Omar Khajjam
Zammit, G. |
2 |
205-216 |
Traduzzjoni |
1966 |
A New Dialect Survey of Present Day Spoken Maltese: Preliminary Notice
Aquilina, J., Isserlin, B.S.J., Annan, W.R.B. |
3 |
42-46 |
Lingwistika |
1966 |
R. Shmuel Aboab’s Letters to the Palestinian Sages Held Captive in Malta and Messina
Benayhu, M. |
3 |
68-74 |
Storja |
1966 |
Vignettes of Eyptian Life – An Extract from Du a al-Karawan by Taha Husayn
Cachia, P. |
3 |
33-41 |
Storja |
1966 |
Le Systeme Phonologique du Maltais: aspects synchroniques et diachroniques
Cohen, D |
3 |
1-26 |
Lingwistika |
1966 |
Loss of Emphasis in Maltese
Cowan, William |
3 |
27-32 |
Lingwistika |
1966 |
The Phraseological Use of the Verbs ‘Qies’, ‘Għadd’ and ‘ Dann’
Cremona, A. |
3 |
75-78 |
Lingwistika |
1966 |
Editorial |
3 |
i-ii |
Editorjal |
1966 |
The Triliterality of Quadriliterals in Semitic Maltese
Serracino Inglott, E. |
3 |
47-67 |
Lingwistika |
1967 |
Some Observations on the Distribution of Xagħra Place-Names in Malta
Blouet, B.W. |
4 |
81-84 |
Lingwistika |
1967 |
Introducing our Principal Contributor
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph |
4 |
i-iv |
Editorjal |
1967 |
Ethno-Linguistic Aspects of Animals in Malta
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph |
4 |
1-68 |
Lingwistika |
1967 |
The Word Ta’ in the Maltese Language
Cremona, A. |
4 |
79-80 |
Lingwistika |
1967 |
Some Discrepancies in the Reasoning of the Arab Grammarians
Marshall, David R. |
4 |
69-78 |
Lingwistika |
1967 |
Teach Yourself Maltese
4 |
85-88 |
Reċensjoni |
1968 |
On Malta and Libya
Aquilina, Joseph |
5 |
i-ii |
Editorjal |
1968 |
Comparative Maltese and Arabic Proverbs
Aquilina, Joseph |
5 |
1-13 |
Letteratura |
1968 |
Dicette Pulicenella
Aquilina, Joseph |
5 |
80-82 |
Reċensjoni |
1968 |
L’Ittionimia nei paesi arabi del Mediterraneo
Aquilina, Joseph |
5 |
82-83 |
Reċensjoni |
1968 |
Mediaeval Arabic Grammar and its Influence on Linguistic Theory and Terminology in Contemporary Arab Science
Drozdik, Ladislav |
5 |
70-79 |
Lingwistika |
1968 |
L-Għanja ta’ Gnawed 1966-67
Gulia, Wallace P. |
5 |
60 |
Letteratura |
1968 |
A Comparative Table of the Meaning Patterns of the Derived Forms of the Verb in Arabic and Maltese
Marshall, David |
5 |
14-24 |
Lingwistika |
1968 |
Nell’Isola Sorella (Dal Maltese di W. Gulia)
Mercieca, A |
5 |
61-69 |
Traduzzjoni |
1968 |
Des Journaux Bilingues Interessants
Schuetz, Henri De Joseph |
5 |
49-59 |
Lingwistika |
1968 |
The Distribution of Surnames in Malta in 1419 and the 1480s
Wettinger, Godfrey |
5 |
25-48 |
Storja |
1968 |
A Grammar of the Arabic Language
Wright, W |
5 |
84 |
Reċensjoni |
1971 |
L-Inkwiet tas-Sur Martin (Foreward)
Aquilina, Joseph |
6 |
47 |
Letteratura |
1971 |
L-Inkwiet tas-Sur Martin
Aquilina, Joseph |
6 |
48-93 |
Letteratura |
1971 |
Editorial |
6 |
i-ii |
Editorjal |
1971 |
A Social and Historical Commentary on ‘The Dialogues’ of De Soldanis
Marshall, David R. |
6 |
1-33 |
Storja |
1971 |
Late Medieval Maltese Nicknames
Wettinger, Godfrey |
6 |
34-46 |
Storja |
1971 |
Mr Martin’s Ordeal
Williams, F. |
6 |
Traduzzjoni |
1971 |
The First Congress on Mediterranean Studies of Arabo-Berber Influence
Aquilina, Joseph |
7 |
i-ii |
Editorjal |
1971 |
Due Epoche Linguistiche nella Lingua Maltese
Aquilina, Joseph |
7 |
1-36 |
Lingwistika |
1971 |
Maltese Folklore Now
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph |
7 |
52-63 |
Folklor |
1971 |
Two Folkloristic Articles
Galley, M. |
7 |
64-76 |
Folklor |
1971 |
Two Old Maltese Poems
Marshall, David R. |
7 |
37-51 |
Letteratura |
1971 |
The Demonstrative in Maltese
Mifsud Emanuel |
7 |
77-91 |
Lingwistika |
1971 |
Phonemic Change and the Growth of Homophones in Maltese
Trimble, Louis P. |
7 |
92-98 |
Lingwistika |
1973 |
Maltese Etymological Glossary
Aquilina, Joseph |
8 |
1-62 |
Lingwistika |
1973 |
Maltese Plant Names
Aquilina, Joseph |
8 |
63-92 |
Lingwistika |
1973 |
Aquilina, Joseph |
8 |
93-98 |
Lingwistika |
1973 |
An Institute of Maltese Studies
Aquilina, Joseph |
9 |
i-ii |
Editorjal |
1973 |
G.B. Pellegrini – Gli Arabismi nelle Lingue Neolatine
Aquilina, Joseph |
9 |
96-97 |
Reċensjoni |
1973 |
Edmund F. Sutcliffe S.J. – A Postscript
Buttigieg, Joseph A. |
9 |
45-58 |
Lingwistika |
1973 |
Badr az-Zin et six contes algeriens
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph |
9 |
98-101 |
Reċensjoni |
1973 |
Gulia, Wallace P. |
9 |
68-71 |
Traduzzjoni |
1973 |
L’Organisation Sociale Villageoise a Gozo
Henriet, Marie-Odile |
9 |
72-95 |
Lingwistika |
1973 |
A Comparative Study of Some Semantic Differences between Maltese and Koranic Arabic
Marshall, David R. |
9 |
1-44 |
Lingwistika |
1973 |
Some Linguistic Comments on Religious Terms in Maltese
Trimble, Louis P. |
9 |
59-67 |
Lingwistika |
1975 |
Agius, Dennis |
10 |
128-133 |
Letteratura |
1975 |
Language and Independence
Aquilina, Joseph |
10 |
1-3 |
Editorjal |
1975 |
A Study in Violent Language
Aquilina, Joseph |
10 |
29-54 |
Lingwistika |
1975 |
Popular Witty Retorts
Aquilina, Joseph |
10 |
65-88 |
Folklor |
1975 |
Maltese Morphophonemics
Borg, Alexander |
10 |
11-28 |
Lingwistika |
1975 |
J. Aquilina – A Comparative dictionary of Maltese Proverbs
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph |
10 |
134-137 |
Reċensjoni |
1975 |
Caxaro’s Cantilena: a checkpoint for change in Maltese
Cowan, William |
10 |
4-10 |
Lingwistika |
1975 |
Ġużè Cassar Pullicino – Il-Folklor Malti 2nd edition
Diacono, Ġużè |
10 |
137-140 |
Reċensjoni |
1975 |
Four Anonymous Old Maltese Poems
Marshall, David R. & Bonavita, Roger Vella |
10 |
89-127 |
Letteratura, Traduzzjoni |
1975 |
Comparative Study of Maltese and Egyptian Proverbs
Talaat, A. |
10 |
55-64 |
Folklor |
1977 |
A Male-Female Speech-Habit Difference in Maltese Individuals: a preliminary comment
Borg, Albert |
11 |
39-41 |
Lingwistika |
1977 |
Malta e Pantelleria: alla ricerca di un sostrato comune
Brincat, Giuseppe (Joseph M.) |
11 |
42-54 |
Lingwistika |
1977 |
The Career of Mustafa Ibrahim ‘Ajaj – A Giant of Egyptian Popular Literature
Cachia, Pier |
11 |
110-117 |
Letteratura |
1977 |
Three Types of Inter-Systematic Restatement in Arabic
Drozdik, Ladislav |
11 |
26-38 |
Lingwistika |
1977 |
Sicilian Arabic and Maltese: some remarks on their phonetic interrelations
Isserlin, B.S.J. |
11 |
19-25 |
Lingwistika |
1977 |
Famille et vie familiale a travers les proverbes tunisiens
Louis André |
11 |
77-109 |
Folklor |
1977 |
Epistemological Remarks on Language Change and Language Universals
Ludtke, Helmut |
11 |
3-18 |
Lingwistika |
1977 |
Introduction (Across Cultures – Festschrift edition of JMS in honour of Prof. Ġużè Aquilina)
Massa, Daniel |
11 |
1-2 |
Editorjal |
1977 |
I termini arabi relativi alla sogliola nel mediterraneo
Oman, Giovanni |
11 |
59-68 |
Lingwistika |
1977 |
Santa Nefissa’ nella letteratura italiana del ‘500
Pellegrini, Giovan Battista |
11 |
69-76 |
Letteratura |
1977 |
Etimologie di voce italiane inizianti per s-
Pisani, Vittore |
11 |
55-58 |
Lingwistika |
1977 |
Protestant Maltese Bible Translation 1870-1872
Sant, Carm |
11 |
118-144 |
Traduzzjoni |
1978 |
Languages in Contact in Malta
Aquilina, Joseph |
12 |
45-62 |
Lingwistika |
1978 |
Further Comments on Peter Caxaro’s Cantilena
Bovingdon, R. Bin- |
12 |
106-118 |
Lingwistika |
1978 |
Antonio Cremona Folklorista (1880-1972)
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph |
12 |
77-87 |
Folklor |
1978 |
Three Functions of the Dual Suffix in Maltese
Fenech, Edward |
12 |
1-9 |
Lingwistika |
1978 |
Dun Karm Tra Neoclassicismo e Romanticismo
Friggieri, Oliver |
12 |
10-44 |
Letteratura, Kritika |
1978 |
Reflections about the Old Maltese Folk Belief in the Transformation of a Person into a Gawgaw on Christmas Eve
Jahn, S. Al Azharia |
12 |
70-76 |
Folklor |
1978 |
Towards a Structural Analysis of the Maltese Riddle on Maranda’s Metaphoric Structures
Mifsud Chircop, Ġorġ |
12 |
63-69 |
Folklor |
1978 |
Maltese Folklore in a Mediterranean Context: Studies in Maltese Folkore – Joseph Cassar Pullicino
Mifsud Chircop, Ġorġ |
12 |
119-123 |
Reċensjoni |
1978 |
Archives of the Cathedral of Malta Misc. 32A: 1313-1529 – J. Azzopardi
Sant, Carm |
12 |
124-125 |
Reċensjoni |
1978 |
Looking Back on The Cantilena of Peter Caxaro’s Cantilena
Wettinger, Godfrey |
12 |
88-105 |
Lingwistika |
1978 |
Index 1961-1978
12 |
127-134 |
Indiċi |
1979 |
The Mediterranean Islands as Places of Synthesis between Arab Culture and European Cultures
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph |
13 |
17-42 |
Kultura |
1979 |
Momenti fondamentali dell’ itinerario Leopardiano di Karmenu Vassallo
Friggieri, Oliver |
13 |
43-66 |
Letteratura |
1979 |
The Three Stolen Princesses (AT 301)
Mifsud Chircop, Ġorġ |
13 |
67-79 |
Folklor |
1979 |
Protestant Maltese Bible Translation: The Gospel of St Mark
Sant, Carm |
13 |
80-120 |
Traduzzjoni, Studji Bibliċi |
1979 |
Late Medieval Judaeo-Arabic Poetry in Vatican Hebrew MS 411. Links with Maltese and Sicilian Arabic
Wettinger, Godfrey |
13 |
1-16 |
Letteratura |
1981 |
Verb-Subject Order in Maltese
Agius Dionisius & Kalmar, Ivan |
14 |
22-31 |
Lingwistika |
1981 |
Localism: A Method for Describing Meaning in Maltese
Borg, Albert J. |
14 |
3-13 |
Lingwistika |
1981 |
Per una Valutazione Storico-Letteraria del Romanticismo Maltese
Friggieri, Oliver |
14 |
14-21 |
Letteratura/Kritika |
1981 |
L’Elemento Maltese nel Maltese
Kontzi, Reinhold |
14 |
32-47 |
Lingwistika |
1981 |
The Dress of Stars, of Sea and Earth (AT 510B) – An Analysis of the Maltese Cinderella Marchen
Mifsud Chircop, Ġorġ |
14 |
48-55 |
Folklor |
1981 |
Late Medieval Judaeo-Arabic Poetry in Vatican Hebrew MS 411: A Postscript
Wettinger, Godfrey |
14 |
56-58 |
Lingwistika |
1981 |
14 |
1-2 |
Editorjal |
1983 |
Maltese Children’s Rhymes and Poetry
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph |
15 |
69-86 |
Kultura |
1983 |
Editorial |
15 |
1 |
1983 |
The Pope Considers Seeking Asylum in Malta, 1881-1889
Fenech, Dominic |
15 |
87-94 |
Storja |
1983 |
Problematica Foscoliana e Superamento Cristiano in Dun Karm
Friggieri, Oliver |
15 |
14-30 |
Letteratura |
1983 |
Protestant Bible Translation into Maltese: The Book of Psalms 1919-1926
Sant, Carm |
15 |
3-13 |
Traduzzjoni/Studji Bibliċi |
1983 |
Some Grammatical Characteristics of the Place-Names of Malta and Gozo in Early Modern Times
Wettinger, Godfrey |
15 |
31-68 |
Storja |
1986 |
Interferenzi inglesi sulla lingua maltese
Brincat Massa, Marianne |
16 |
45-52 |
Lingwistika |
1986 |
Critica testuale della Cantilena di Pietro Caxaro
Brincat, Giuseppe |
16 |
1-21 |
Letteratura/Kritika |
1986 |
A Survey of Maltese Nicknames, I – The Nicknames fo Naxxar, 1832
Fiorini, Stanley |
16 |
62-93 |
Lingwistika |
1986 |
Dun Karm, the National Poet of Malta
Friggieri, Oliver |
16 |
53-61 |
Letteratura |
1986 |
The Maltese and the Arabic dialects: An Approach from Linguistic Geography
Kontzi, Reinhold |
16 |
22-44 |
Lingwistika |
1987-1988 |
Il lessico agricolo e meteorologico nel maltese e le sue fonti arabe e siciliane
Aquilina, Giuseppe |
17-18 |
6-12 |
Lingwistika |
1987-1988 |
L’archivio musicale della Cattedrale di Mdina: il repertorio siciliano
Azzopardi, Giovanni |
17-18 |
181-188 |
Mużika |
1987-1988 |
To be or not to be a copula in Maltese
Borg, Albert |
17-18 |
54-71 |
Lingwistika |
1987-1988 |
Un esempio di -LL- > -dd- nel maltese
Brincat, Giuseppe |
17-18 |
27-31 |
Lingwistika |
1987-1988 |
I documenti medievali siciliani in lingua araba
Caracausi, Girolamo |
17-18 |
12-25 |
Lingwistika |
1987-1988 |
La leggenda maltese della Sposa della Mosta
Cassar Pullicino, Giuseppe |
17-18 |
164-180 |
Folklor |
1987-1988 |
Una edizione diversa della lista di voci maltesi del Seicento di Hieronymus Megiser
Cassola, Arnold |
17-18 |
72-86 |
Lingwistika |
1987-1988 |
Sugli Scriptores Melitensis, appendice inserita nel rifacimento inedito della Bibliotheca Sicula di A. Mongitore
Cusimano, Giuseppe |
17-18 |
139-147 |
Lingwistika |
1987-1988 |
L’influenza siciliana sull’arte a Malta
Cutajar, Dominic |
17-18 |
197-210 |
Arti |
1987-1988 |
Punti d’incontro nell’architettura a Malta e in Sicilia
Ellul, Michael |
17-18 |
189-196 |
Arkitettura |
1987-1988 |
Panoramica della letteratura italiana a Malta fino all’Ottocento
Eynaud, Giuseppe |
17-18 |
158-163 |
Letteratura |
1987-1988 |
Sicilian connexions of some Maltese medieval surnames
Fiorini, Stanley |
17-18 |
104-138 |
Storja |
1987-1988 |
La storia della letteratura maltese
Friggieri, Oliver |
17-18 |
152-157 |
Letteratura |
1987-1988 |
Vicende e caratteristiche del maltese parlato in Egitto
Hull, Geoffrey |
17-18 |
87-103 |
Lingwistika |
1987-1988 |
Tre anni di ricerche tra i codici italiani nelle biblioteche maltesi
Lanza, Franco |
17-18 |
148-151 |
Lingwistika |
1987-1988 |
Prefazione |
17-18 |
v-vi |
Editorjal |
1987-1988 |
L’articolo indeterminativo del siciliano e la sua agglutinazione nei sicilianismi del maltese
Sgroi, Salvatore Claudio |
17-18 |
32-53 |
Lingwistika |
1987-1988 |
La lingua in Sicilia e a Malta nel Medioevo
Varvaro, Alberto |
17-18 |
1-5 |
Lingwistika |
1989-1990 |
Arabic under Shidyaq in Malta 1833-1848
Agius, Dionisius |
19-20 |
52-57 |
Lingwistika |
1989-1990 |
Galican-Portuguese traits in Caxaro’s Cantilena
Bonnici, Thomas |
19-20 |
46-51 |
Lingwistika |
1989-1990 |
In the mould of a new environment: the Maltese language in Australia
Bovingdon, Rigu |
19-20 |
110-115 |
Lingwistika |
1989-1990 |
White dipping sails
Briffa, Charles |
19-20 |
62-70 |
Terminoloġija |
1989-1990 |
Anthony Burgess’s MF: the Mediterranean background to a Caribbean Island
Cassola, Arnold |
19-20 |
27-33 |
Lingwistika |
1989-1990 |
A note on evidence for 11>dd in Maltese onomastics
Fiorini, Stanley |
19-20 |
24-26 |
Lingwistika |
1989-1990 |
Prietki bil-Malti ta’ Franġisku Saverju Baldacchino (1774-1860)
Friggieri, Oliver |
19-20 |
76-94 |
Lingwistika |
1989-1990 |
Europa Malta Mediterraneo
Gnisci, Armando |
19-20 |
71-75 |
Kultura |
1989-1990 |
Negation in English and Maltese: common rules and typological differences
Grozdanova, L.A. |
19-20 |
95-99 |
Lingwistika |
1989-1990 |
The origin of the name “Kirkop”
Hull, Geoffrey |
19-20 |
58-61 |
Toponomastika |
1989-1990 |
Ulteriori considerazioni linguistiche sulla Cantilena di Pietro Caxaro
Kabazi, Fuad |
19-20 |
42-45 |
Lingwistika |
1989-1990 |
Politica linguistica vs identità culturale: alcuni aspetti della questione della lingua a Malta nel Secondo ‘800
Mazzon, Gabriella |
19-20 |
100-109 |
Storja |
1989-1990 |
Attempts by Protestants to publish the New Testament
Sant, Carm |
19-20 |
1-23 |
Storja |
1989-1990 |
Language maintenance and language shift of the Maltese migrants in Canada
Sciriha, Lydia |
19-20 |
34-41 |
Lingwistika |
1991-1992 |
Maltese and Portuguese in contact
Bonnici, Thomas |
21-22 |
1-9 |
Lingwistika |
1991-1992 |
Analysis of a poem – ‘Dan l-Univers Itektek’
Bonnici, Thomas |
21-22 |
10-13 |
Letteratura/Kritika |
1991-1992 |
Il-veriżmu f’Malta: mill-buzzett għall-ewwel rumanz soċjali
Brincat, Joseph M. |
21-22 |
91-113 |
Letteratura/Kritika |
1991-1992 |
La lingua maltese ‘nel 500 attraverso i resoconti di scrittori e viaggiatori stranieri
Cassola, Arnold |
21-22 |
79-90 |
Lingwistika |
1991-1992 |
The published works of Daniel A. Callus
Montebello, Mark F. |
21-22 |
14-19 |
Bibljografija |
1991-1992 |
Il mare mediterraneo nella letteratura europea
Rombi, Bruno |
21-22 |
20-69 |
Letteratura/Kritika |
1991-1992 |
Malta in context
Ruggier, Joe M. |
21-22 |
70-78 |
Letteratura/Kritika |
1993 |
Vassalli, a Man of Ideas
Aquilina, Joseph |
23-24 |
223-225 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
Vassalli’s Burial Place
Aquilina, Joseph |
23-24 |
226-229 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
Ħames Dokumenti ġodda fuq Mikiel Anton Vassalli
Azzopardi, Ġwann |
23-24 |
121-127 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
I. Vassalli et les Refugies Maltais, Principaux Agents de la Culture du Coton en France
Blondy, Alain |
23-24 |
201-211 |
Bibljografija |
1993 |
II. More about the “Recherche Historiques et Politques sur Malte”
Blondy, Alain |
23-24 |
212-214 |
Bibljografija |
1993 |
M.A. Vassalli’s Commercial Activity
Bonavia, Carmel G. |
23-24 |
115120 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
Mikiel Anton Vassalli A Bibliography
Bonavia, Carmel G. |
23-24 |
230-236 |
Bibljografija |
1993 |
A Pictorial Biography
Bonavia, Carmel G. |
23-24 |
237-305 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
A Mysterious Book by Mikiel Anton Vassalli?
Bonello, Giovanni |
23-24 |
194-199 |
Bibljografija |
1993 |
I. “Kliem bejn Tnejn” – Kitba mhux magħrufa ta’ M.A. Vassalli
Cassar Pullicino, Ġużè |
23-24 |
74-79 |
Lingwistika |
1993 |
II. M.A. Vassalli in 1798-1799
Cassar Pullicino, Ġużè |
23-24 |
80-89 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
III. “La Valeur Francaise”” and Vassalli’s Release from Fort Ricasoli
Cassar Pullicino, Ġużè |
23-24 |
89-91 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
IV. Two Unknown Writings by M.A. Vassalli
Cassar Pullicino, Ġużè |
23-24 |
92-105 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
V. M.A. Vassalli u l-Kitba tas-Seklu Dsatax
Cassar Pullicino, Ġużè |
23-24 |
106-111 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
VI. Vassalli’s Second Son
Cassar Pullicino, Ġużè |
23-24 |
111-114 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
I. Vassalli’s Step-father in prison
Ciappara, Frans |
23-24 |
37-39 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
II. Vassalli wins a Prize for Arabic
Ciappara, Frans |
23-24 |
40-41 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
III. Vassalli’s Sacred Patrimony
Ciappara, Frans |
23-24 |
41-42 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
IV. Vassalli studied for the Priesthood
Ciappara, Frans |
23-24 |
43-47 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
V. Vassalli in the Correspondence of Inquisitor Carpegna
Ciappara, Frans |
23-24 |
47-50 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
VI. Vassalli and Protestantism
Ciappara, Frans |
23-24 |
51-52 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
Il-Ħajja fil-Qosor: Siltiet minn Mikiel Anton Vassalli u Żminijietu
Cremona, Ninu |
23-24 |
1-30 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
The Political Idea of M.A. Vassalli
Cutajar, Dominic |
23-24 |
215-218 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
Vassalli and the Vella Case
Dessoulavy, C.L. |
23-24 |
31-33 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
It-Taqsim Ewlieni tal-Kitbiet ta’ Vassalli
Fenech, Edward |
23-24 |
175-193 |
Bibljografija |
1993 |
Daħla Editorjali/Editorial note
Friggieri, Oliver |
23-24 |
i-ii |
Editorjal |
1993 |
I. Vassalli – It-Tnissil ta’ Kuxjenza Nazzjonali
Friggieri, Oliver |
23-24 |
154-172 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
II.Iċ-Ċurkett u x-Xbieha ta’ Vassalli
Friggieri, Oliver |
23-24 |
172-174 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
Another Clue to Vassalli’s Authorship of Reserches
Ganado, Albert |
23-24 |
200 |
Bibljografija |
1993 |
Vassalli’s plan for Primary Education in Malta
Grima, Joseph F. |
23-24 |
219-222 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
Vassalli Illuminista
Sammut, Frans |
23-24 |
128-153 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
I. Rev. W. Jowett u M.A. Vassalli
Sant, Karm |
23-24 |
53-54 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
II. Waħda mill-aħħar ittri ta’ M.A. Vassalli
Sant, Karm |
23-24 |
54-56 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
III. L-Aħħar Jiem u l-Mewt ta’ Vassalli
Sant, Karm |
23-24 |
56-58 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
IV. Studjuż u Traduttur
Sant, Karm |
23-24 |
58-62 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
V. Tagħrif ġdid fuq M.A. Vassalli – Dr Cleardo Naudi u Giuseppe Canolo
Sant, Karm |
23-24 |
62-63 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
VI. M.A. Vassalli’s Sojourn in Rome (1788-1790)
Sant, Karm |
23-24 |
64-67 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
VII. Vassalli: a Scholar and a Reformer
Sant, Karm |
23-24 |
67-73 |
Bijografija |
1993 |
Id-Dati Ewlenin fil-Ħajja ta’ Vassalli
23-24 |
34-36 |
Bijografija |
1994-1995 |
Maltese Fictional Prose Forms
Briffa, Charles |
25-26 |
146-165 |
Letteratura/Kritika |
1994-1995 |
A Proposed Bulletin of Maltese Linguistic Studies in 1938
Cassar Pullicino, Ġużè |
25-26 |
100-106 |
Bibljografija |
1994-1995 |
Two Notes: Brighella and Thezan; The “Cantilena”| Maltese and Sicilian Proverbs
Cassola, Arnold |
25-26 |
58-66 |
Lingwistika |
1994-1995 |
Secret Languages: Preliminary Notes on Four Examples from the Maltese Islands
Falzon, Mark Anthony |
25-26 |
93-99 |
Lingwistika |
1994-1995 |
The Morisco and Hispano-Arabic Culture and Malta
Freller, Thomas |
25-26 |
1-12 |
Storja |
1994-1995 |
L-Istorja tal-Poeżija Maltija
Friggieri, Oliver |
25-26 |
122-145 |
Letteratura |
1994-1995 |
Les Relations de Malte et de Tripoli de Barbarie au XIX Siècle
Lafi, Nora |
25-26 |
67-81 |
Storja |
1994-1995 |
Il-Korrispondenza bejn Aspetti Formali u Sens fl-Ewwel Strofa ta’ Pellegrin Distratt
Micallef, Bernard |
25-26 |
179-184 |
Letteratura/Kritika |
1994-1995 |
Lexical Strata in Maltese
Parawahera, N.P. |
25-26 |
166-178 |
Lingwistika |
1994-1995 |
Il-Kontribut ta’ Studjużi Ġermaniżi fl-Istudju tal-Ilsien Malti mill-bidu tas-seklu sbatax sas-seklu għoxrin
Reinhold, Kontzi |
25-26 |
13-39 |
Lingwistika |
1994-1995 |
Innocente nostalgia e istanze etiche della poesia maltese
Rombi, Bruno |
25-26 |
107-121 |
Letteratura |
1994-1995 |
About the meanings of Żurrieq, Wied iż-Żurrieq and Wied iż-Żerqa
Sanguy, Patrice |
25-26 |
52-57 |
Lingwistika |
1994-1995 |
The Naval Activities of the Muslim Privateers
Scheben, Thomas |
25-26 |
185-193 |
Reċensjoni |
1994-1995 |
Malte et deux ecrivains français
Spiteri, Richard |
25-26 |
82-92 |
Storja |
1994-1995 |
Franġisku Saverju Baldacchino
Xuereb, Victor |
25-26 |
40-51 |
Bijografija/Letteratura |
2010 |
An unpublished letter by de Soldanis – 22 April 1753
Blondy, Alain |
27 |
71-80 |
Storja |
2010 |
De Soldanis: approaches to a biography
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph |
27 |
1-34 |
Bijografija |
2010 |
De Soldanis: a bibliography
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph |
27 |
141-160 |
Bibljografija |
2010 |
De Soldanis and the Maltese Pre-Enlightenment
Ciappara, Frans |
27 |
35-70 |
Storja |
2010 |
A letter by de Soldanis in the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF, naf 5398, fos. 165-166
Depasquale, Carmen |
27 |
81-90 |
Storja |
2010 |
Vella, Olvin |
27 |
v |
Editorjal |
2010 |
An unknown work by de Soldanis: Notizie sopra l’origine ed avanzi della Biblioteca della Sagra Religione Gerosolimitana
Zammit, William |
27 |
91-139 |
Bibljografija |
2014 |
The Cantilena as a Reading Experience
Micallef, Bernard |
28 |
1-28 |
Letteratura |
2014 |
The Notary in Maltese Late Medieval Society
Fiorini, Stanley |
28 |
29-74 |
Storja |
2014 |
Again on Peter Caxaro’s Cantilena: Some Remarks from the Viewpoint of Wider Western Arabic Dialectology
Corriente, Federico & Vicente, Ángeles |
28 |
75-90 |
Storja |
2014 |
Codicological Analysis and Conservation Treatment of the Cantilena Manuscript
Zammit Lupi, Theresa |
28 |
91-118 |
Storja |
2017 |
The Manoscritti Originali Del Ceb. Dottor G. Fran. Buonamico Maltese
Bonello, Giovanni |
29 |
1-6 |
Storja |
2017 |
Giovan Francesco Buonamico’s Baroque Poeem in Maltese – A Historical and Textual Analysis
Friggieri, Oliver |
29 |
7-24 |
Letteratura |
2017 |
Four Anonymous Italian Poems in Giovan Francesco Buonamico’s Manuscript
Brincat, Joseph M |
29 |
25-50 |
Letteratura |
2017 |
Buonamico’s French Poem
Depasquale, Carmen |
29 |
51-60 |
Letteratura |
2017 |
Giovan Francesco Buonamico, Linguist and Philologist
Cassola, Arnold |
29 |
61-76 |
Lingwistika |
2017 |
Giovan Francesco Buonamico: Insights into Travel and Cultural Practices in Seventeenth-century Malta
Cassar, Carmel |
29 |
77-90 |
Storja |
2017 |
Giovan Francesco Buonamico and St Paul – A Maltese Scholar Between Science, National Identity and Patriotism
Freller, Thomas |
29 |
91-108 |
Storja |
2017 |
Buonamico, the Latinist
Vella, Horatio Caesar R. |
29 |
109-124 |
Storja |
2017 |
Giovanni Francesco Buonamico’s Gaudia Melitensia
Azzopardi, John |
29 |
125-146 |
Storja |
2017 |
Buonamico, the Botanist
Stevens, Darrin T & Lanfranco, Edwin |
29 |
147-172 |
Storja |
2023 |
Nominal and Adverbial clauses in Maltese
Borg, Albert |
30 |
1-35 |
Sintassi |
2023 |
On Relative Clauses in Maltese
Camilleri, Maris |
30 |
37-76 |
Sintassi |
2023 |
Grammatical Agreement in Maltese
Fabri, Ray |
30 |
77-110 |
Sintassi |
2023 |
Constituent Order in Maltese: A Quantitative Reevaluation
Čéplö, Slavomír |
30 |
111-147 |
Sintassi |
2023 |
Negation in Maltese
Lucas, Christopher |
30 |
149-176 |
Sintassi |
2023 |
Variable overt marking of Place/Goal with place name as complements. On the competition between fi, ġewwa, and ġo
Stolz, Thomas & Nataliya Levkovych & Maike Vorholt |
30 |
177-215 |
Sintassi |
2023 |
Spagnol, Michael & Ray Fabri |
30 |
vii-xi |
Sintassi |