Din il-paġna tippreżenta r-riżultati ta' proġett tad-Dipartiment tal-Malti u tal-Istitut tal-Lingwistika u t-Teknoloġija tal-Lingwa fuq id-differenzi lessikali fil-gżejjer Maltin li beda fl-2017. Tfassal kwestjonarju maħsub biex itella' fil-wiċċ id-differenzi fil-vokabolarju u ġew intervistati aktar minn 1,200 ruħ, nofshom nisa u nofshom irġiel, ta' 60 sena jew aktar, minn 31 lokalità bil-għan li tissawwar mappa djalettali bil-varjazzjoni fil-livell tal-kelma.
This page shows the results of a project run in collaboration by the Department of Maltese and the Institute of Linguistics and Language Technology. The project, which started in 2017, deals with lexical differences in Maltese, both in Malta and Gozo. A questionnaire was designed with the aim of capturing differences in the vocabulary of Maltese speakers. Some 1,200 persons, aged 60 or over, from 31 localities were interviewed, equally divided between male and female, with the aim of creating a dialectal map showing variation at word level.

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