Il-proġett tad-Dipartiment tal-Malti fuq it-Tradizzjoni Orali beda fl-2016 bil-għan li jiġbor il-materjal, jiddokumenta l-istudji, u jistimula r-riċerka dwar l-oralità bil-Malti. Dan il-qasam iħaddan il-ħrejjef, il-leġġendi, l-għana, il-qwiel, it-taqbil tat-tfal, iċ-ċajt u l-logħob bil-kliem, il-versi tas-superstizzjoni, il-lingwaġġ tas-snajja', l-ismijiet tal-postijiet u l-laqmijiet, u wirt ieħor li jgħaddi minn ġenerazzjoni għal oħra bil-fomm. B’mod regolari norganizzaw taħditiet u seminars pubbliċi bis-sehem ta' riċerkaturi Maltin u barranin, stabbiliti u ġodda, u nagħmlu intervisti ma’ studjużi ewlenin f’dan il-qasam u ma’ nies li jaqsmu l-wirt u r-rakkonti tagħhom. Dan is-sit fih il-biblijografiji tar-riċerkaturi ewlenin tat-Tradizzjoni Orali Maltija, katalgu tematiku tal-oqsma mistħarrġa, u għadd ta’ riżorsi stampati u awdjoviżivi. L-attivitajiet u ħafna mill-materjal jittellgħu wkoll fuq il-paġna It-Tradizzjoni Orali. Dan il-proġett għandu l-appoġġ tar-Research Seed Fund tal-Università ta’ Malta u tal-Klabb Kotba Maltin.
The Oral Traditions project of the Department of Maltese started in 2016, with the aim of collecting Malta's rich oral heritage, whilst keeping track of studies in this area, as well as encouraging more researchers to conduct work in this vast field. This sector includes tales, legends, traditional folk singing, proverbs, children's rhymes, jokes and wordplay, superstitions, the language of individual skills and crafts, names of places and nicknames, and other verbal heritage that is passed on from one generation to another by word of mouth. Public lectures and seminars are hosted regularly with the participation of both established and up-and-coming researchers from Malta and abroad. Interviews are also carried out with leading researchers in this sector and people who have stories to tell. In this site one can find bibliographies of works by leading scholars of Maltese oral traditions, a thematic catalogue, and both printed and audiovisual resources. We share many of these events and resources on the Facebook page of It-Tradizzjoni Orali. This project is supported by the Research Seed Fund of the University of Malta and Klabb Kotba Maltin/Midsea Books.