Fit-tieni konferenza annwali, sitt riċerkaturi ppreżentaw l-istudju li qed jagħmlu fuq il-lingwa u l-letteratura Maltija u ddiskutewh ma’ sħabhom u mal-letturi. Il-konferenza saret is-Sibt 3 ta’ Ġunju 2023 fl-Università l-Qadima. Minbarra l-istudenti postgradwatorji u l-letturi tad-Dipartiment tal-Malti, kienu preżenti wkoll letturi mill-Istitut tal-Lingwistika u t-Teknoloġija tal-Lingwa.
Raffaello Bezzina u Kelly Saliba għamlu preżentazzjoni fuq it-teżi tal-Masters tagħhom. Rafaello tkellem dwar il-formazzjoni tal-kelma fil-Malti u Kelly iddiskutiet il-kwalitajiet emerġenti fin-novella Maltija tal-bidu tas-seklu 21. Romario Sciberras, student ieħor tal-Masters, ippreżenta xi perspettivi Poststrutturalisti b’rabta mal-lingwaġġ newtrali dwar il-ġeneri.
L-aħħar tliet kelliema kienu studenti tad-Dottorat: Jessica Micallef iddiskutiet il-ġeneru tal-esej fil-kitba bil-Malti, Joseph Buttigieg tkellem dwar ir-rappreżentattività f’korpus ġeneriku tal-Malti, u Clare Azzopardi tkellmet dwar ir-riċerka tagħha fuq is-silenzji fin-narrattiva Maltija li bdiet tinkiteb fid-disgħinijiet.
Din il-konferenza hija parti minn sensiela ta’ seminars imsejħa ‘Appuntamenti mar-Riċerka’ li d-Dipartiment tal-Malti jorganizza għall-istudenti tal-Masters u d-Dottorat. Dawn is-seminars joffru spazju informali u addattat biex l-istudenti postgradwatorji jiddiskutu r-riċerka tagħhom.
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During the second annual conference, six postgraduate researchers of Maltese presented their study on literature and language, and discussed it with their peers and lecturers. The conference, held at the Valletta Campus on Saturday 3 June 2023, brought together all postgraduate researchers, departmental lecturers, and other lecturers from the Institute of Linguistics and Language Technology.
Raffaello Bezzina and Kelly Saliba both presented their Masters dissertations. Raffaello spoke about word formation in Maltese and Kelly discussed the emerging characteristics of the Maltese short story written at the beginning of the 21st century. Romario Sciberras, another Masters student, presented poststructuralist perspectives in relation to gender neutral language.
The final three speakers were PhD students: Jessica Micallef discussed the genre of the essay in Maltese writing, Joseph Buttigieg spoke about representativeness in a generic language corpus, and Clare Azzopardi discussed her research on silences in Maltese Post-90s fiction.
This conference is part of a series of seminars called ‘Appuntamenti mar-Riċerka’ which the Department of Maltese organises for its Masters and Doctoral students. These regular research seminars offer an informal and supportive environment for postgraduate researchers to discuss their work in progress.