Il-Professoressa Emma Rees mill-Università ta’ Chester se tagħti taħdita pubblika bl-Ingliż bit-titlu “Like fleas on a dog’s back: gender activism and the road to equality” nhar it-Tlieta 5 ta’ April, fiċ-Ċentru tal-Konferenzi Mikiel Anton Vassalli, GW Sala D, fis-7pm. F’din it-taħdita, il-Professoressa Rees se tkun qiegħda tiddiskuti l-letteratura u punti relatati mal-ġeneru, partikolarment il-femminiċidju.

Rees, inġiebet f’Malta mid-Dipartiment tal-Malti fil-Fakultà tal-Arti. Hija akkademiku b’esperjenza kbira internazzjonali u b’lista impressjonanti ta’ pubblikazzjonijiet. Hija tmexxi l-Istitut tal-Istudji tal-Ġeneru fl-Università ta’ Chester, imwaqqaf minnha stess fl-2016, u hija membru u uffiċjal għoli fl-eżekuttiv nazzjonali tal-union tal-kulleġġi u l-universitajiet.

Barra minn hekk, Emma Rees hija kontributriċi regolari fit-Times Higher u editriċi tal-volum The Routledge Companion to Gender, Sexuality and Culture (ippubblikat dalwaqt minn Bloomsbury) u editriċi tas-serje (Re)presenting Gender ippubblikata minn Palgrave. Fl-2015 il-professoressa Rees ippubblikat ix-xogħol l-aktar importanti tagħha, The Vagina: A Literary and Cultural History (Bloomsbury).

It-taħdita hija miftuħa għall-pubbliku iżda min jattendi se jintalab juri ċertifikat tat-tilqima kontra l-Covid-19.

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In her talk, “Like fleas on a dog’s back: gender activism and the road to equality”, Professor Rees will be discussing literature and contemporary gender issues, such as femicide. The talk will take place on Tuesday 5 April, in University Gateway Building Hall D1, at 7pm.

Rees, a seasoned academic who has garnered international acclaim through her various publications, has been invited to give this talk by the Department of Maltese within the Faculty of Arts. She is also the director of the University of Chester’s Institute of Gender Studies (founded by herself in 2016), and the programme leader for various courses. She is also branch Secretary of the University and College Union (UCU) and women’s representative on the UCU’s national executive.

Additionally, Prof Rees is a regular book reviewer and columnist for the Times Higher. In 2015, she published The Vagina: A Literary and Cultural History (Bloomsbury). Since then, she has also edited The Routledge Companion to Gender, Sexuality and Culture (forthcoming, Spetember 2022) and was series editor of interdisciplinary Palgrave series, (Re)presenting Gender.

This event is open to the general public. Attendees will be required to present proof of Covid-19 vaccination.

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