Fit-13 u l-14 ta’ Ġunju 2022 tliet studenti postgradwatorji ppreżentaw ir-riċerka tagħhom fil-konferenza “Triangulation – linguistic topics from three different perspectives (Wales, Malta, Northwest Germany)” f’Delmenhorst, il-Ġermanja, organizzata mill-Università ta’ Bremen.
Michela Vella, dottoranda fl-Istitut tal-Lingwistika u t-Teknoloġija tal-Lingwa, tkellmet fuq studju lonġitudinali dwar il-ksib tal-Malti bħala l-ewwel lingwa. Kirsty Azzopardi, dottoranda fid-Dipartiment tal-Malti, tat preżentazzjoni fuq il-katina verbali fil-Malti. Raffaello Bezzina, li qed jagħmel Masters fil-Lingwistika Maltija, tħaddet dwar ir-restrizzjonijiet fit-tiswir ta’ kliem kumpless fil-Malti.
It-tliet interventi Maltin kienu dawn:
– Michela Vella, “Maltese First Language Acquisition: A Longitudinal Study”
– Kirsty Azzopardi, “Verb chains in Maltese”
– Raffaello Bezzina, “The constraints which restrict the formation of complex words in Maltese (Morphotactics)”
Il-partiċipanti Maltin jixtiequ jirringrazzjaw lill-organizzatriċi, Dr Christel Stolz mill-Università ta’ Bremen, u lill-kapijiet tad-delegazzjoni tal-Università ta’ Cardiff, Dr Iwan Rees, u l-poeta nazzjonali ta’ Wales, Ifor ap Glyn. Id-delegazzjoni mill-Università ta’ Malta tmexxiet minn Dr Michael Spagnol.
Il-programm sħiħ tal-konferenza jinsab hawnhekk.
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Postgraduate students from the Department of Maltese and the Institute of Linguistics and Language Technology recently read papers on Maltese at a conference on “Triangulation – linguistic topics from three different perspectives (Wales, Malta, Northwest Germany)” in Delmenhorst, Germany. The conference organized by the University of Bremen was held at the Institute for Advanced Study on June 13 and 14, 2022.
Kirsty Azzopardi, who is a doctoral student in the Department of Maltese, gave a talk about “Verb chains in Maltese”. Raffaello Bezzina, a Masters student of Maltese, spoke about “The constraints which restrict the formation of complex words in Maltese (Morphotactics)”. Michela Vella, a doctoral student in the Institute of Linguistics and Language Technology, gave a talk about “Maltese First Language Acquisition: A Longitudinal Study”.
The participants from the University of Malta would like to thank the conference organiser, Dr Christel Stolz from the University of Bremen, for this important initiative. They would also like to thank the heads of the delegation from Cardiff University, Dr Iwan Wyn Rees, Senior Lecturer and Director of the Cardiff Centre for Welsh American Studies, School of Welsh, and Ifor ap Glyn, the current national poet of Wales. The head of the Maltese delegation was Dr Michael Spagnol. The three institutions are eager to continue to collaborate in this area in the future.
The conference programme appears here.