Amy Pace, Marla Xuereb u Ilona Sciberras, tliet studenti tad-Dipartiment tal-Malti, kellhom l-opportunità li jitilgħu Brussell mal-istudenti postgradwatorji tad-Dipartiment tal-Istudji tat-Traduzzjoni, it-Terminoloġija u l-Interpretar bejn it-3 u l-5 ta’ Lulju 2023. Matul din iż-żjara l-istudenti kisbu għarfien fuq il-funzjonijiet tal-istituzzjonijiet Ewropej u fuq l-oqsma tat-traduzzjoni u l-interpretar, żewġ karrieri possibbli għal min jistudja l-Malti.
Ivan Said, Paul Zahra u Carmen Carabott, tliet tradutturi tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea, akkumpanjaw lill-istudenti u waqt iż-żjara f’Charlemagne ddiskutew magħhom il-ħiliet tat-tradutturi u l-għodda li tintuża fil-proċess tat-traduzzjoni. Peter Mifsud, il-Kap tat-Taqsima tal-Interpretar tal-Malti, spjega d-dinamika tax-xogħol tal-interpreti u kif jaħdem l-interpretar fil-kabina Maltija tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea.
L-istudenti żaru wkoll il-Berlaymont, il-kwartieri ġenerali tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea, u postijiet oħra bħaċ-ċentru tal-wiri Experience Europe, u Dar l-Istorja Ewropea li fiha l-viżitaturi jiskopru l-Ewropa tas-seklu dsatax u għoxrin bi gwidi multimedjali.
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Three Bachelor of Arts students from the Department of Maltese, Amy Pace, Marla Xuereb and Ilona Sciberras, were given the opportunity to visit Brussels with postgraduate students from the Department of Translation, Terminology & Interpreting Studies, between 3 and 5 July 2023. The students learned about the functions of the European institutions and about the fields of translation and interpreting, two possible careers for those who study Maltese.
Ivan Said, Paul Zahra and Carmen Carabott, three European Commission translators, accompanied the students, and during their visit to Charlemagne they discussed the skills required by translators and the tools used in the translation process. Peter Mifsud, Head of the Maltese Interpretation Unit, explained the dynamics involved in the interpreters’ work and how this is carried out in the Maltese interpretation cabin of the European Commission.
The students also visited the Berlaymont building, the headquarters of the European Commission, and other places including the Experience Europe exhibition centre and the House of European History where visitors learn about Europe’s 19th and 20th century through multimedia guides.