Din hi ġabra tal-pubblikazzjonijiet akkademiċi dwar il-lingwa u l-lingwistika Maltija.
Sena | Titlu | Awtur | Tagħrif |
2019 | Dr Cleardo Naudi (1781-1837) | Olvin Vella | Fuq il-Passi ta’ Vassalli: 343-48. |
2019 | Il-kotba ta’ Cleardo Naudi u sħabu bl-ortografija ta’ Vassalli | Olvin Vella | Fuq il-Passi ta’ Vassalli: 319-42. |
2019 | Ktejjeb ieħor ta’ Vassalli fuq il-qoton | Olvin Vella | Fuq il-Passi ta’ Vassalli: 309-18. |
2018 | Il-Ħaġa Moħġaġa | Michael Spagnol | Encore 14: 22-23 |
2018 | Conditions on /t/-insertion in Maltese numeral phrases: a reassessment | Chris Lucas u Michael Spagnol | Patrizia Paggio u Albert Gatt, The Languages of Malta, Studies in Diversity Linguistics 18, 117-141 |
2018 | Grammatical Gender in Maltese | George Farrugia | Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG |
2018 | Deċiżjonijiet 2 tal-Kunsill nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti dwar il-Kitba tal-Kliem mill-Ingliż fil-Malti | Albert Borg, Ray Fabri, George Farrugia, Manwel Mifsud, Thomas Pace u Michael Spagnol | Malta: Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti |
2017 | Deċiżjonijiet 2 | George Farrugia (koawtur) | Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti |
2017 | Modifiers and Complements within the Maltese verb sequence | Albert Borg u Ray Fabri | Benjamin Saade and Mauro Tosco (edituri), Advances in Maltese Linguistics. Berlin u New York: De Gruyter Mouton, pp 67-86. |
2017 | Maltese: The Status of Maltese in National Language-Related Legislation and Implications for its use | A. Borg u T. Pace | Journal of Language and Law 67, pp. 70-85. |
2016 | Connecting /t/ in Maltese numerals | Chris Lucas u Michael Spagnol | In Puech, Gilbert, and Benjamin Saade, eds. 2016. Shifts and Patterns in Maltese. Studia Typologica 19. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 269-292 |
2016 | Maltese Loanword Typology | Michael Spagnol u Bernard Comrie | In Puech, Gilbert, and Benjamin Saade, eds. 2016. Shifts and Patterns in Maltese. Studia Typologica 19. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 315-330 |
2016 | Ngħidlek id-dritt, nitkellem bl-imgħawweġ | Michael Spagnol | Encore, IV: 22-23 |
2016 | L-Għadd tal-Kollettiv fil-Malti | Michael Spagnol u Theresa Abdilla | Leħen il-Malti, Għadd 35 |
2016 | Word-formation in Maltese | M. Mifsud u J. Brincat | Word Formation: An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe, ed. Müller, Peter O. / Ohnheiser, Ingeborg / Olsen, Susan / Rainer, Franz. De Gruyter Mouton, Vol. 5, Article 183, pp. 3349-3366. |
2016 | Languages in Contact: Is the Gender Assignment System in Maltese Undergoing Change? | George Farrugia | pp 293-314, in Puech Gilbert & Saade Benjamin (Eds.) Series: Shifts and Patterns in Maltese, Studia Typologica 19, De Gruyter Mouton |
2016 | L-interess tal-istudjużi barranin fl-ilsien Malti | Albert Borg u Manwel Mifsud | F’isem il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti. Encore 6, pp. 20-21. |
2016 | Semantic functions of complementizers in Maltese | Albert Borg u Ray Fabri | Kasper Boye u Petar Kehayov (edituri), Complementizer Semantics in European languages. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 413-447. |
2015 | Saħħa! A conversational course in Medical Maltese | Olivianne Farrugia, Sharon Micallef Cann, Michael Spagnol u Josef Trapani | Department of Maltese, University of Malta |
2015 | Il-Ġens Grammatikali fil-Malti f’Kuntest Tipoloġiku u Psikolingwistiku | George Farrugia | Il-Malti LXXXVIII |
2015 | Il-Bilingwiżmu | Albert Borg u Manwel Mifsud | F’isem il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti. Encore 2, pp. 14-15. |
2014 | Minn fomm Vassalli: tagħrif ġdid fil-manuskritti tal-Kanonku Fortunato Panzavecchia | Olvin Vella u David Agius Muscat | Malta: Klabb Kotba Maltin |
2014 | Maltese Word-final Singleton-Geminate Contrasts: An Information-theoretic Approach | Elisabeth Hume, Darcy Rose u Michael Spagnol | René Kager, Janet Grijzenhout & Koen Sebregts (eds.), Where the Principles Fail. A Festschrift for Wim Zonnefeld. Utrecht, NL: UiL OTS, 89-99 |
2014 | Differenzi Lessikali bejn il-Malti u l-Għawdxi | Keith Attard u Michael Spagnol | Leħen il-Malti. L-Għaqda tal-Malti – Università |
2014 | Coding causal-noncausal verb alternations: a form-frequency correspondence explanation | Martin Haspelmath, Andreea Calude, Michael Spagnol, Heiko Narrog u Elif Bamyaci | Journal of Linguistics, August, 1-39 |
2014 | Lejn Deċiżjonijiet 2 | George Farrugia | L-Aċċent, 5-13 |
2014 | Perspectives on Maltese Linguistics | Albert Borg, Sandro Caruana u Marie Alexandra-Vella | Berlin: Akademie Verlag |
2013 | Termini Mediċi Popolari | Michael Spagnol u Alexander Spiteri | L-Aċċent Ħarġa Nru 9, April, 19-24 |
2013 | Għaliex niktbu titfaċċa u titranġa? | Michael Spagnol | L-Aċċent Ħarġa Nru 9, April, 8-9 |
2013 | The role of silence in spoken Maltese: durational and distributional characteristics of breaks and pauses | Alexandra Vella, Michael Spagnol, Sarah Grech u Flavia Chetcuti | Albert Borg, Sandro Caruana & Alexandra Vella (eds.), Perspectives on Maltese Linguistics, 89-113. Berlin: Akademie Verlag |
2013 | Fixing the Broken Plural in Maltese | Thomas Mayer, Michael Spagnol u Florian Schönhuber | Albert Borg, Sandro Caruana & Alexandra Vella (eds.), Perspectives on Maltese Linguistics, 129-158. Berlin: Akademie Verlag |
2012 | De Soldanis – an eighteenth century intellectual | Olvin Vella u G. Vella | |
2011 | Vassalli u l-ambjent Borgian | Olvin Vella | Il-Malti, lxxxii: 75-81. |
2011 | L’integrazione delle costruzioni italiane con il si in maltese | Michael Spagnol | Walter Breu (ed.), L’influsso dell’italiano sul sistema del verbo delle lingue minoritarie. Resistenza e mutamento nella morfologia e nella sintassi, Atti del 2° Convegno Internazionale Costanza, 10 - 13 dicembre 2008, 211-226. Bochum: Brockmeyer |
2011 | A preliminary investigation of filled pauses in Maltese | Alexandra Vella, Michael Spagnol, Sarah Grech u Flavia Chetcuti | Sandro Caruana, Ray Fabri & Thomas Stolz (eds.), Variation and Change. The Dynamics of Maltese in space, time and society, 255-275. Berlin: Akademie Verlag |
2011 | The Causative-Inchoative Alternation in Maltese | Michael Spagnol | Sandro Caruana, Ray Fabri & Thomas Stolz (eds.), Variation and Change. The Dynamics of Maltese in space, time and society, 157-181. Berlin: Akademie Verlag |
2011 | Id-Don tal-Ilsna: lejn Politika Lingwistika Multilingwi | Manwel Mifsud | Orazzjoni akkademika moqrija fil-Gradwazzjoni 2011 u ppubblikata mill-Università ta’ Malta. |
2011 | Lectal Variation in Maltese | Albert Borg | Sandro Caruana, Ray Fabri and Thomas Stolz (edituri), Variation and Change. The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society. Berlin: Akademie Verlag pp. 11-31. |
2011 | Maltese as a National Language | Albert Borg | Stefan Weninger (ed.). The Semitic Languages. An International handbook. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 1033-1041. |
2010 | Xogħlijiet magħżula ta’ Ġużè Gatt | Olvin Vella, T. Cortis, R. Fenech u W. Zammit (edituri) | Il-Malti, lxxxi |
2010 | Essays on de Soldanis | Olvin Vella (editur) | Journal of Maltese Studies 27 |
2010 | Integrating annotated spoken Maltese data into corpora of written Maltese | Alexandra Vella, Flavia Chetcuti, Sarah Grech & Michael Spagnol | Proceedings of the seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2010), Workshop on Language Resources & Human Language Technologies for Semitic Languages, Valletta, Malta, 83-90. |
2010 | Il-ġens grammatikali tan-nomi missellfa mill-Ingliż | George Farrugia | L-Aċċent, 1-5 |
2009 | Lexical and Grammatical Aspect in Maltese | Michael Spagnol | Thomas Stolz (ed.), Ilsienna, 51-86. Bochum, Germany: Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer |
2009 | ““Imma l-oriġinal oriġinali?”” a noun-adjective opposition in some Maltese word-classes of Romance origin.” | Manwel Mifsud | Introducing Maltese Linguistics, ed. B. Comrie et alii, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 309-320. |
2009 | Il-Kitba tal-Kliem missellef mill-Ingliż fil-Malti | George Farrugia | Innaqqsu l-Inċertezzi (dokument għad-diskussjoni) 127-140, Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti |
2008 | L-Angliċiżmi fil-Malti | Michael Spagnol | Innaqqsu l-Inċertezzi, dokument għad-diskussjoni, 327-350. Malta: Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti |
2008 | “Maltese”, il-lemma | Manwel Mifsud | Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, ed. ġenerali K. Versteegh, Leiden-Boston: Brill, Vol. III, pp. 146-159. |
2008 | Deċiżjonijiet 1 | George Farrugia (koawtur) | Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti |
2008 | Il-Kitba tal-Kliem Missellef mill-Ingliż fil-Malti | Albert Borg | Innaqqsu l-Inċertezzi-Dokument għad-Diskussjoni 2. Malta: Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Malti, pp. 57-60. |