

Din hi ġabra tal-pubblikazzjonijiet akkademiċi dwar il-lingwa u l-lingwistika Maltija.

Sena Titlu Awtur Tagħrif
2019 Dr Cleardo Naudi (1781-1837) Olvin Vella Fuq il-Passi ta’ Vassalli: 343-48.
2019 Il-kotba ta’ Cleardo Naudi u sħabu bl-ortografija ta’ Vassalli Olvin Vella Fuq il-Passi ta’ Vassalli: 319-42.
2019 Ktejjeb ieħor ta’ Vassalli fuq il-qoton Olvin Vella Fuq il-Passi ta’ Vassalli: 309-18.
2018 Il-Ħaġa Moħġaġa Michael Spagnol Encore 14: 22-23
2018 Conditions on /t/-insertion in Maltese numeral phrases: a reassessment Chris Lucas u Michael Spagnol Patrizia Paggio u Albert Gatt, The Languages of Malta, Studies in Diversity Linguistics 18, 117-141
2018 Grammatical Gender in Maltese George Farrugia Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG
2018 Deċiżjonijiet 2 tal-Kunsill nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti dwar il-Kitba tal-Kliem mill-Ingliż fil-Malti Albert Borg, Ray Fabri, George Farrugia, Manwel Mifsud, Thomas Pace u Michael Spagnol Malta: Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti
2017 Deċiżjonijiet 2 George Farrugia (koawtur) Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti
2017 Modifiers and Complements within the Maltese verb sequence Albert Borg u Ray Fabri Benjamin Saade and Mauro Tosco (edituri), Advances in Maltese Linguistics. Berlin u New York: De Gruyter Mouton, pp 67-86.
2017 Maltese: The Status of Maltese in National Language-Related Legislation and Implications for its use A. Borg u T. Pace Journal of Language and Law 67, pp. 70-85.
2016 Connecting /t/ in Maltese numerals Chris Lucas u Michael Spagnol In Puech, Gilbert, and Benjamin Saade, eds. 2016. Shifts and Patterns in Maltese. Studia Typologica 19. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 269-292
2016 Maltese Loanword Typology Michael Spagnol u Bernard Comrie In Puech, Gilbert, and Benjamin Saade, eds. 2016. Shifts and Patterns in Maltese. Studia Typologica 19. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 315-330
2016 Ngħidlek id-dritt, nitkellem bl-imgħawweġ Michael Spagnol Encore, IV: 22-23
2016 L-Għadd tal-Kollettiv fil-Malti Michael Spagnol u Theresa Abdilla Leħen il-Malti, Għadd 35
2016 Word-formation in Maltese M. Mifsud u J. Brincat Word Formation: An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe, ed. Müller, Peter O. / Ohnheiser, Ingeborg / Olsen, Susan / Rainer, Franz. De Gruyter Mouton, Vol. 5, Article 183, pp. 3349-3366.
2016 Languages in Contact: Is the Gender Assignment System in Maltese Undergoing Change? George Farrugia pp 293-314, in Puech Gilbert & Saade Benjamin (Eds.) Series: Shifts and Patterns in Maltese, Studia Typologica 19, De Gruyter Mouton
2016 L-interess tal-istudjużi barranin fl-ilsien Malti Albert Borg u Manwel Mifsud F’isem il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti. Encore 6, pp. 20-21.
2016 Semantic functions of complementizers in Maltese Albert Borg u Ray Fabri Kasper Boye u Petar Kehayov (edituri), Complementizer Semantics in European languages. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 413-447.
2015 Saħħa! A conversational course in Medical Maltese Olivianne Farrugia, Sharon Micallef Cann, Michael Spagnol u Josef Trapani Department of Maltese, University of Malta
2015 Il-Ġens Grammatikali fil-Malti f’Kuntest Tipoloġiku u Psikolingwistiku George Farrugia Il-Malti LXXXVIII
2015 Il-Bilingwiżmu Albert Borg u Manwel Mifsud F’isem il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti. Encore 2, pp. 14-15.
2014 Minn fomm Vassalli: tagħrif ġdid fil-manuskritti tal-Kanonku Fortunato Panzavecchia Olvin Vella u David Agius Muscat Malta: Klabb Kotba Maltin
2014 Maltese Word-final Singleton-Geminate Contrasts: An Information-theoretic Approach Elisabeth Hume, Darcy Rose u Michael Spagnol René Kager, Janet Grijzenhout & Koen Sebregts (eds.), Where the Principles Fail. A Festschrift for Wim Zonnefeld. Utrecht, NL: UiL OTS, 89-99
2014 Differenzi Lessikali bejn il-Malti u l-Għawdxi Keith Attard u Michael Spagnol Leħen il-Malti. L-Għaqda tal-Malti – Università
2014 Coding causal-noncausal verb alternations: a form-frequency correspondence explanation Martin Haspelmath, Andreea Calude, Michael Spagnol, Heiko Narrog u Elif Bamyaci Journal of Linguistics, August, 1-39
2014 Lejn Deċiżjonijiet 2 George Farrugia L-Aċċent, 5-13
2014 Perspectives on Maltese Linguistics Albert Borg, Sandro Caruana u Marie Alexandra-Vella Berlin: Akademie Verlag
2013 Termini Mediċi Popolari Michael Spagnol u Alexander Spiteri L-Aċċent Ħarġa Nru 9, April, 19-24
2013 Għaliex niktbu titfaċċa u titranġa? Michael Spagnol L-Aċċent Ħarġa Nru 9, April, 8-9
2013 The role of silence in spoken Maltese: durational and distributional characteristics of breaks and pauses Alexandra Vella, Michael Spagnol, Sarah Grech u Flavia Chetcuti Albert Borg, Sandro Caruana & Alexandra Vella (eds.), Perspectives on Maltese Linguistics, 89-113. Berlin: Akademie Verlag
2013 Fixing the Broken Plural in Maltese Thomas Mayer, Michael Spagnol u Florian Schönhuber Albert Borg, Sandro Caruana & Alexandra Vella (eds.), Perspectives on Maltese Linguistics, 129-158. Berlin: Akademie Verlag
2012 De Soldanis – an eighteenth century intellectual Olvin Vella u G. Vella
2011 Vassalli u l-ambjent Borgian Olvin Vella Il-Malti, lxxxii: 75-81.
2011 L’integrazione delle costruzioni italiane con il si in maltese Michael Spagnol Walter Breu (ed.), L’influsso dell’italiano sul sistema del verbo delle lingue minoritarie. Resistenza e mutamento nella morfologia e nella sintassi, Atti del 2° Convegno Internazionale Costanza, 10 - 13 dicembre 2008, 211-226. Bochum: Brockmeyer
2011 A preliminary investigation of filled pauses in Maltese Alexandra Vella, Michael Spagnol, Sarah Grech u Flavia Chetcuti Sandro Caruana, Ray Fabri & Thomas Stolz (eds.), Variation and Change. The Dynamics of Maltese in space, time and society, 255-275. Berlin: Akademie Verlag
2011 The Causative-Inchoative Alternation in Maltese Michael Spagnol Sandro Caruana, Ray Fabri & Thomas Stolz (eds.), Variation and Change. The Dynamics of Maltese in space, time and society, 157-181. Berlin: Akademie Verlag
2011 Id-Don tal-Ilsna: lejn Politika Lingwistika Multilingwi Manwel Mifsud Orazzjoni akkademika moqrija fil-Gradwazzjoni 2011 u ppubblikata mill-Università ta’ Malta.
2011 Lectal Variation in Maltese Albert Borg Sandro Caruana, Ray Fabri and Thomas Stolz (edituri), Variation and Change. The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society. Berlin: Akademie Verlag pp. 11-31.
2011 Maltese as a National Language Albert Borg Stefan Weninger (ed.). The Semitic Languages. An International handbook. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp. 1033-1041.
2010 Xogħlijiet magħżula ta’ Ġużè Gatt Olvin Vella, T. Cortis, R. Fenech u W. Zammit (edituri) Il-Malti, lxxxi
2010 Essays on de Soldanis Olvin Vella (editur) Journal of Maltese Studies 27
2010 Integrating annotated spoken Maltese data into corpora of written Maltese Alexandra Vella, Flavia Chetcuti, Sarah Grech & Michael Spagnol Proceedings of the seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2010), Workshop on Language Resources & Human Language Technologies for Semitic Languages, Valletta, Malta, 83-90.
2010 Il-ġens grammatikali tan-nomi missellfa mill-Ingliż George Farrugia L-Aċċent, 1-5
2009 Lexical and Grammatical Aspect in Maltese Michael Spagnol Thomas Stolz (ed.), Ilsienna, 51-86. Bochum, Germany: Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer
2009 ““Imma l-oriġinal oriġinali?”” a noun-adjective opposition in some Maltese word-classes of Romance origin.” Manwel Mifsud Introducing Maltese Linguistics, ed. B. Comrie et alii, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 309-320.
2009 Il-Kitba tal-Kliem missellef mill-Ingliż fil-Malti George Farrugia Innaqqsu l-Inċertezzi (dokument għad-diskussjoni) 127-140, Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti
2008 L-Angliċiżmi fil-Malti Michael Spagnol Innaqqsu l-Inċertezzi, dokument għad-diskussjoni, 327-350. Malta: Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti
2008 “Maltese”, il-lemma Manwel Mifsud Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, ed. ġenerali K. Versteegh, Leiden-Boston: Brill, Vol. III, pp. 146-159.
2008 Deċiżjonijiet 1 George Farrugia (koawtur) Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti
2008 Il-Kitba tal-Kliem Missellef mill-Ingliż fil-Malti Albert Borg Innaqqsu l-Inċertezzi-Dokument għad-Diskussjoni 2. Malta: Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Malti, pp. 57-60.
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